Workshops running throughout the year - please see News Page or contact us for scheduled dates
Do you or your team groan at the thought of spending several hours sitting through a dull workshop filled with 'legal speak' or sitting for hours at a computer screen completing an online course?
There's no need for groaning or yawning in our workshops! All our MCA training is upbeat, practice-based and interactive. We avoid jargon as much as possible and use real case studies to bring The Act alive.
Are you working with people who may lack mental capacity? (For example, they may have dementia, brain injury, learning disabilities, drug or alcohol use, undergoing medical treatment, etc.)
We currently offer 4 MCA workshops.
By participating in these workshops you will learn how to develop and reinforce positive, person-centred practice relating to decision making and be able to demonstrate compliance with The Act.
They are suitable for Health Professionals, Service Managers, Residential or Day Care Staff, Social Workers, Physiotherapists, Dentists, etc. (ANYONE providing care, treatment and support to people who have temporary, fluctuating or permanent loss of mental capacity)
1. Introduction to The Mental Capacity Act
A fast paced 3 hour workshop to explore the key aims and elements of the Act and how it relates to practice within the Health and Social Care Sector. This can also be offered as a full day's training with additional opportunities for more in-depth discussion and case study examples.
Includes overviews of:
- Aims & purpose of the Act
- The 5 Key Principles of the Act
- Helping People to Make Decisions for Themselves
- Assessing Capacity
- Best Interests
- Advance Decisions
- Lasting Power of Attorneys
- IMCA's
- Record keeping
- Court of Protection
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
2. Advanced Mental Capacity Act
A workshop for those who have already completed the introductory training, or who already have a good working knowledge of The Act. (3 hours /full day options)
Participants will explore key elements of the Act in more depth, including ethical dilemmas and more complex issues in the decision-making process.
3. Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
This is a 3 hour workshop for those who have completed the introductory training and who work in (or with) hospitals or care homes.
This workshop enables participants to gain a more in-depth understanding of the aims and purpose of the Safeguards. It will consider the difference between 'Restriction' and 'Deprivation' of Liberty, and the Authorisation, Assessment and Review processes. The roles of Assessors, Representatives and IMCA's will be clarified, with localised information shared.
There will also be valuable opportunities for group discussion relating to the promotion of best practice which upholds individual rights to liberty, whilst affording appropriate protection to those who need it.
4. Mental Capacity Act Workshops for Service Users
These workshops have been designed for people who may have fluctuating or temporary loss of mental capacity, perhaps due to learning disabilities or early stages of dementia etc. They are always delivered in small, supportive groups.
The aim is to increase awareness of the Act to help people make choices and decisions whenever possible, and to understand how they can be helped to do so when they are unable to make certain decisions for themselves.
We adapt these workshops according to specific requirements, and are happy to deliver them 'in-house', exclusively for your service or organisation. Please contact us to discuss how we may be able to help.